
Waxcaps by David Greenberger via iNaturalist
Discover the meaning and possibility of community science through the world of mushrooms and their enthusiasts.
Alcatraz Island
This year we’ve missed seeing volunteers, program participants, students, and the rest of our park community in person—but we’ve been so inspired by what we’ve been able to do together at a distance. Going into the fall, some sites that were closed throughout the summer are now open and providing...
Tipi on Alcatraz with Golden Gate Bridge in background
Alcatraz Island - New Industries Building
The SF Public Library and the National Park Service will host a virtual cultural event moderated by former occupier Kris Longoria and featuring the artists and academics whose work is displayed in the special exhibition on Alcatraz: “Red Power on Alcatraz: Perspectives 50 Years Later.”
Image of the interior of Fort Point with the lighthouse
Fort Point Entrance
Join a ranger near the front entrance of Fort Point for a tour! Learn about the soldiers' lives at Fort Point, the fort's unique architecture, the defenses of the Golden Gate and lots more. Tours are scheduled daily at 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. and typically last 30 minutes. Staff availability may affect these tour times, please inquire upon arrival.
Image of the interior of Fort Point with the lighthouse
Fort Point Entrance
Join a ranger near the front entrance of Fort Point for a tour! Learn about the soldiers' lives at Fort Point, the fort's unique architecture, the defenses of the Golden Gate and lots more. Tours are scheduled daily at 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. and typically last 30 minutes. Staff availability may affect these tour times, please inquire upon arrival.
Tipi on Alcatraz with Golden Gate Bridge in background
Alcatraz Island - New Industries Building
In honor of the 50th anniversary of the Alcatraz Occupation, poet and scholar Dean Rader will lead an interactive presentation on the occupation.
Muir Woods
Muir Woods Visitor Center
Stroll through an old-growth redwood forest at sunrise, hear tall tales, soar in the sounds and smells, and hear the historical and ecological story of Muir Woods.
A great horned owl.
Tennessee Valley Parking Lot
Join us on an easy four mile, three-hour ramble through Tennessee Valley to search for and learn more about the owls that reside in and around the Tennessee Valley.
Muir Woods
Muir Woods Visitor Center
Stroll through an old-growth redwood forest at sunrise, hear tall tales, soar in the sounds and smells, and hear the historical and ecological story of Muir Woods.
Tipi on Alcatraz with Golden Gate Bridge in background
Alcatraz Island - New Industries Building
Occupiers who were brought to the island by their parents between 1969 and 1971 share their perspectives of being a kid during the Occupation. In conjunction with Junior Ranger Day.