Monthly Membership

Trail running

Golden Gate Keepers are our committed supporters who make a monthly donation to the parks through electronic transfer or credit card. Monthly donations from Golden Gate Keepers provide a consistent, reliable source of support to help sustain the Conservancy’s year-round projects, programs, and park improvements.

Monthly giving is the easiest, most convenient way to contribute to the parks we all cherish. It’s also the greenest, since we won’t send you annual renewal notices. Your credit card will be automatically charged each month for any donation amount you choose, and you can change or cancel your gift at any time by logging into our website or calling 415-561-3050.

Golden Gate Keepers receive all the regular benefits of membership, in addition to a Golden Gate National Parks calendar each year. Members who contribute $10 or more each month also receive a special thank-you gift.

Become a Golden Gate Keeper >>

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Your parks need you now

Your support helps fight climate change and promote park sustainability—please give now.