
Volunteers at Coastal Cleanup Day
Ocean Beach, Stairwell 17
Help keep Ocean Beach and our San Francisco coastline beautiful, clean, and safe for all.
Stairs down to Black Sands Beach
Gateways Article
Here’s an insider’s guide to some of our favorite hidden gems of the GGNRA. From secret beaches to undiscovered redwood groves, these spots provide a chance to get into nature and steer clear of the crowds.
Adult shows trash to curious boy on his dad's shoulders on Ocean Beach in San Francisco.
What do we love more than our local beaches? Healthy beaches.
Box steps challenge hikers along the Batteries to Bluffs Trail
Gateways Article
Welcome to our new Hit the Trail feature! We’ll go in-depth on one of our park sites and get you ready to explore. First up: The western edge of the Presidio.
Volunteers at Coastal Cleanup Day
Ocean Beach - Stairwell # 5
Help keep Ocean Beach and our San Francisco coastline beautiful, clean, and safe for all.
Ocean Beach
Park E-Ventures Article
Flanking San Francisco’s westernmost edge, Ocean Beach’s thunderous surf seems inviting on those rare hot days in San Francisco. But the hidden forces beneath those waves should give you pause before cooling off with an afternoon swim.
A group of volunteers replacing post and cable fencing at Baker Beach.
The Trail Stewardship crew members have been busy bees this past month as the rain was slowly letting up—welcome to spring in the Golden Gate National Parks!
SF Gate

Ocean Beach added to iconic artistic renderings of Golden Gate attractions

Fire pits at Ocean Beach
San Francisco
Picture a 3.5-mile stretch of white beach with few tourists and no highrises. It's just you and the waves and the seabirds at Ocean Beach, on the westernmost border of San Francisco, adjacent to Golden Gate Park.