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The Parks Conservancy is deeply grateful to supporters who have established endowment funds benefiting specific projects and programs within the parks. Earnings from the invested assets help ensure that we can grow healthy plants, protect critical habitat, educate young conservationists, preserve historic sites, and build and restore trails, year after year. Our named endowment funds include:
The James R. Harvey Presidio Restoration Fund
The endowment fund was created in honor of the late Jim Harvey, a community leader, former trustee of the Parks Conservancy, and champion of America’s national parks. Jim was widely regarded for his vision and commitment to the Presidio. The fund now exceeds $3.3 million and supports preservation of the Presidio’s natural beauty, forest, and open space.
The Bernard Osher Endowment for Environmental Education at Crissy Field
The Bernard Osher Foundation established this endowment fund, now in excess of $2.7 million, to create a permanent base of support for the Crissy Field Center and provide funding for our program areas: Community Connections, Learning Environments, Stewardship & Community Service, and Young Leaders.
The Anne Kincaid Endowment Fund
Initially created by the Wallace and Andrea DeSha Family to honor their friend Anne Kincaid, this endowment fund of over $135,000 helps protect wildlife habitat, restore trails, conserve natural resources, and support the native plant nurseries.
The Madeleine Tang Fund
This fund of over $90,000 was established by friends and family in memory of Mrs. Tang to annually support one public high school student from the San Francisco Bay Area in a scientific field study program in the Golden Gate National Parks. Students not only investigate environmental science in an outdoor “laboratory” but also play a key role as stewards of the parklands.
The Mark A. Kutnink Endowment Fund
To honor his colleagues who served at the 6th US Army Medical Laboratory in Fort Baker, Mark established this endowment fund of over $440,000 to support the Crissy Field Center and the Conservancy’s Trails Forever initiative.
The Greg Hind Endowment Fund
Leslie Daniels and her husband Troy established this fund, now valued at over $1.5 million, to support initiatives and innovations of the Golden Gate Raptor Observatory in honor of her brother Greg, who had a lifelong love for raptors and who through his adulthood was passionately committed to wildlife conservation.
If you are interested in learning more about endowment funds that support the Conservancy’s work in the Golden Gate National Parks, please contact Paul Petrequin at (415) 561-3039 or
Your support helps fight climate change and promote park sustainability—please give now.