Fort Baker has a way of putting a smile on your face
Maria Durana/Parks Conservancy
- More than $745 MILLION in park support
- $85 MILLION raised for Trails Forever
- $34.5 MILLION raised to transform Crissy Field
- More than 21 MILLION visitors served by Alcatraz audio tour
- More than 15 MILLION visitors to Crissy Field
- Over 7 MILLION hours of volunteer time; more than 357,000 volunteers
- More than 2.5 MILLION native plants grown; 111 different restoration sites
- More than 1 MILLION visitors served in Alcatraz evening program
- More than 753,000 birds of prey counted through Golden Gate Raptor Observatory
- More than 693,000 people served through Crissy Field Center
- More than 540,000 school kids participate in Parks as Classrooms
- More than 33,500 kids have participated in Camping at the Presidio
- More than 14,000 Conservancy members
- 1,491 acres at the Presidio saved as national parkland
- More than 1,000 books, guides, maps, and park products
- 350 acres of Fort Baker preserved as a national park
- More than 100 historic structures rehabilitated or interpreted
- 139 Inspiring Young Emerging Leaders
- 100 acres of shoreline park created at Crissy Field
- More than 70 awards for excellence
- 37 members of the Presidio Council
- 35 new park entrance signs installed
- 34 indigenous archeological sites in the park managed in partnership with native people
- 33 endangered and threatened species protected through habitat restoration and preservation
- 29 unique park images
- 20 Trails Forever dinners
- 17 miles of park trails improved, built, or planned for enhancement
- 7 park stores and visitor centers
- 4 endowment funds created
- 4 Presidio overlooks constructed
- 1 Parks Conservancy dedicated to Parks For All Forever
Awards & Recognition
Organizational & Leadership
- James V. Murfin Award for Cooperating Associations and Partnerships given by the NPS to Nicki Phelps, 2023.
- Fran P. Mainella Award for commitment to diversity and inclusion in national parks presented to Chris Lehnertz, 2019.
- Community Alliance Award for "significant contributions to the improvement of the Bay Area’s built environment" from AIA San Francisco, 2018.
- Silver SPUR Award, recognizing "individuals whose achievements have made San Francisco and the Bay Area a better place to live and work," presented to Greg Moore, 2018.
- Director’s Partnership Award from the National Park Service for “long-term, cumulative partnership achievements,” 2013.
- The Robert C. Kirkwood Community Leadership Award by the San Francisco Foundation to Greg Moore, President and CEO of Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy, in recognition of outstanding community service, commitment, and inspired leadership, 2013.
- Social Media in Travel + Tourism Award (SMITTY) from Travel + Leisure Magazine for “Best Location-Based Campaign” for Band of Bridges project in partnership with Goodby, Silverstein & Partners, Google Inc., and Famous Interactive to celebrate the 75th Anniversary of the Golden Gate Bridge, 2013.
- Golden Gate National Parks Stewardship Excellence Award from The Cultural Landscape Foundation, 2012.
- San Francisco Community Foundation Helen Crocker Russell Award, 1995.
Post-to-Park Transformations
- Fort Baker: Governor’s Award for Environmental and Economic Leadership, 2009.
- Fort Baker: National Trust for Historic Preservation award, 2009.
- Fort Baker: Governor’s Historic Preservation award, 2009.
- Fort Baker revitalization: winner, APPL Partnership Program/Project award, 2009.
- Presidio: San Francisco Beautiful award for Presidio’s Batteries to Bluffs Trail and Immigrant Point Overlook, 2008.
Crissy Field and Crissy Field Center
- LEED Platinum status awarded to interim Crissy Field Center/Beach Hut, 2013.
- Association of Partners for Public Lands, Winner, Commemorative Program or Project, for Crissy Field 10th Anniversary Project, 2012.
- U.S. Department of the Interior Take Pride in America National Award for Outstanding Commitment to the Stewardship of America’s Public Lands and Natural and Cultural Resources to Inspiring Young Emerging Leaders (I-YEL), 2011.
- National Park Service Environmental Achievement Award recognizing exceptional contributions to sustainable energy practices and related curriculum, to Crissy Field Center, 2011.
- California Construction Magazine’s Best of 2010 Award, Green Building category to the interim Crissy Field Center.
- Society of American Travel Writers Phoenix Award for Outstanding Accomplishments in Preservation and Conservation, 2006.
- Crissy Field Center: certification as green business by the city of San Francisco, 2006.
- Crissy Field Warming Hut: certification as green business by the city of San Francisco, 2005.
- American Institute of Architects, San Francisco Chapter Special Achievement Award, to the Restoration of Crissy Field (in partnership with National Park Service and the Evelyn and Walter Haas, Jr. Fund), 2005.
- Museum of Modern Art, New York City, February 25 to May 16, 2005 Exhibition “Groundswell: Constructing the Contemporary Landscape.”
- National Park Service Award for Sustainability, 2004, to the Crissy Field Warming Hut.
- Bruner Foundation Rudy Bruner Award for Urban Excellence, 2003, Honorable Mention, National Urban Design for Crissy Field Restoration.
- Governor’s Historic Preservation Award, 2002 to the Garbology 101 program.
- Coastal Living Magazine Award for Best New Coastal Destination in the U.S., 2002.
- National Park Service Environmental Achievement Award, to the Crissy Field Warming Hut designers and builders, 2002.
- American Society of Landscape Architects Merit Award for Design, for Crissy Field (Hargreaves Associates.), 2002.
- Costanoan-Ohlone Rumsen Carmel Tribe Friend of the Environment Award, to Greg Moore, 2002.
- San Francisco Beautiful Beautification Awards, The Friedel Klussman Award, for the Crissy Field restoration, 2001.
- Association of Fundraising Professionals National Philanthropy Day.
- Outstanding Foundation Grantmaker of the Year Award, to the Evelyn and Walter Haas, Jr. Fund, for its gift to Crissy Field, 2001.
- National Park Foundation National Park Partnership Award for Environmental Conservation, to the Crissy Field restoration, 2001.
- The Waterfront Center Excellence on the Waterfront Honor Award, to the restoration of Crissy Field, 2001.
- American Society of Landscape Architects Planning and Urban Design Award, for Crissy Field (Hargreaves Associates), 1998.
Other Park Restoration Projects and Community Programs
- 'Community Impact' award, San Francisco Business Times Real Estate Deals of the Year, Presidio Tunnel Tops, 2023
- Association of Partners for Public Lands Award, Commemorative Program/Project, Golden Gate Bridge 75th Anniversary, 2013
- Association of Partners for Public Lands Award, Partnership Program/Project, Lands End Lookout Visitor Center, 2013
- AIASF Design Energy + Sustainability Award 2013 for the Lands End Lookout
- San Francisco Beautiful Awards, 2012 nomination for Golden Gate Bridge Plaza and Pavilion
- Engineering News Record Best 2012 Projects, Winner Award of Merit, Small Projects to Golden Gate Bridge Visitor Enhancement Project
- Communications Arts Photography Annual 53: 2012 recognition in Advertising category, Golden Gate Bridge 75th Anniversary
- Communications Arts Design Annual 53: 2012 recognition in Exhibit Interior Experience category, Golden Gate Bridge Pavilion
- San Francisco Beautiful Awards, 2012 nomination for Lands End Lookout
- LEED Platinum status awarded to Lands End Lookout, 2012
- Lands End Lookout named the “Best New Building” of 2012 by John King of the San Francisco Chronicle
- Engineering News Record Award of Merit, Small Projects to Lands End Lookout, 2012
- Report to the Community 2011 named Finalist for Platinum PR Award in the Annual Report Category, 2012
- Association of Partners for Public Lands Partnership Program/Project, Honorable Mention for Food for the Parks Initiative, 2012
- Presidio Seed and Plant Lab: Association of Partners for Public Lands Excellence Award and Partnership Program/Project Award, 2011
- San Francisco Magazine Best of the Bay awards, including #1 for Best Trail (Lands End), Best Dog Park (Fort Funston), 2011
- San Francisco Beautiful Award, Winner, for Lands End Revitalization: California Coastal Trail Corridor and Visitor Access Enhancements, 2010
- Association for Partners of Public Lands Award, Partnership Program/ Project, Alcatraz Gardens Restoration Project, 2010
- LEED-Gold Status awarded to the Cavallo Point Lodge, 2010
- Convio Innovator Award, for email communications, 2010
- Association of Partners for Public Lands Partnership Program/Project, Honorable Mention for Turning the Tide conference, 2010
- California Preservation Foundation Trustee Award for Excellence, to the Alcatraz Gardens Restoration project, 2009
- Outstanding Nonprofit Organization award from United States Department of the Interior’s Take Pride in America program for volunteer and partnership programs on public lands, 2009
- Preservation Design Award, small rehabilitation category, to the Alcatraz Gardens Restoration project, 2009
- Association for Partners of Public Lands Award, Partnership Program/ Project, for Alcatraz Visitor Experience Enhancement Project, 2008
- San Francisco Beautiful Award, Winner, to the Presidio: Immigrant Point Overlook and Batteries to Bluffs Trail Network, 2008
- Society for Environmental Graphic Design, to the park-wide trail signage program, 2007
- San Francisco Beautiful award for the restoration of Mountain Lake, 2004
Interpretive Publications and Products
Public Lands Alliance Awards
- 'The Big Lockup: Mass Incarceration in the United States,' Winner, Outstanding Public Engagement Award, Product or Display, 2022
- Golden Gate Bridge: Believe it or Not, Winner, Publication of the Year, 2020
- Redwood Forest Fog Globe, Winner, Innovative Product of the Year, 2019
- Fort Mason Center for Arts & Culture, Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy and the Golden Gate National Recreation Area, Winner, Public Lands Partner Award, 2018
- Home Land Security, Winner, Outstanding Public Engagement Award, Program or Service, 2018
- 2017 Report to the Community, Honorable Mention, Outstanding Public Engagement Award, Product or Display, 2018
- San Francisco Public Library Partnership Programs for the NPS Centennial, Winner, Outstanding Public Engagement Award, Program or Service, 2017
- Escape from Alcatraz: Back from the Dead, Honorable Mention, Publication of the Year, 2017
- Bayview Community Shuttle and Community Trailhead Program, Winner, Outstanding Public Engagement Award, Program or Service, 2016
- Art in the Parks Program, Winner, Outstanding Public Engagement Award, Program or Service, 2016
- @ Large Ai Weiwei on Alcatraz Retail Product Display, Honorable Mention, Outstanding Public Engagement Award, Product or Display, 2016
- See America National Parklands Collection Postcard Book, Honorable Mention, Innovative Product of the Year, 2016
- How the Golden Gate Bridge Got Its Color, Honorable Mention, Children’s Media, 2013
- 2011 Report to the Community, Winner, Membership/Fundraising Program of Project, 2012
- Alcatraz Then and Now: Lenticular Card Book, Honorable Mention, Theme Related Products, 2012
- Muir Woods National Monument, Honorable Mention, General Interest Publications, 2012
- Alcatraz Rules and Regulations/Alcatraz Comic Wallets, Winner, Theme Related Products, 2011
- Petal Pushers Journal/Activity Book, Winner, Children’s Media, 2011
- Escape From Alcatraz: The Doc Barker Gang, Honorable Mention, Children’s Media, 2011
- America’s Best Idea mini-site (www.ForOurParks.org,) Honorable Mention, Multimedia Program/Project, 2010
- Alcatraz: The John Giles Escape, Theme Related Items, Honorable Mention, 2010
- Notes From the Field: Threatened and Endangered Species, Winner, Visitor Guides, 2009
- Escape from Alcatraz: The Dummy Head Breakout: Honorable Mention, Children’s Media, 2009
- A Lover’s Line through the Presidio, Winner, Multi-Media Project 2009
- Trails Forever Trail Maps: Lands End and the Presidio, Recognition, Complimentary Publication, 2009
- Park Adventures, Winner, Complimentary Publications, 2008
- Report to the Community 2007, Winner, Marketing/Promotional Materials, 2008
- Gateways member newsletter: Honorable Mention, Marketing/ Promotional Materials, 2008
- Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy website: Honorable Mention, Multi-Media Program/Project, 2006
- Report to the Community 2006, Winner, Marketing/Promotional Materials, 2007
- Alcatraz Visitor Brochure, Winner, Complimentary Publications, 2007
- Historic Alcatraz decal reproductions, Honorable Mention, Theme Related Items, 2007
- Doing Time: Alcatraz Cellhouse Tour, Honorable Mention, Audio/Visual, 2007
- 2006 Annual Report, Winner, Marketing/Promotional Materials, 2007
- Alcatraz: The Ultimate Movie Book, Winner, Best Book, 2006
- Presidio and Crissy Field Map and Guide, Honorable Mention, Maps and Guides, 2006
- Trails Forever Dinner, Honorable Mention: Marketing/Promotional Materials, 2006
- Guide to the Parks, Winner, Best Publication over 48 Pages, 2005
- Tallest Tree Growth Chart, Honorable Mention, Children’s Media, 2005
- Presidio Bird List and Presidio Plant List, Honorable Mention, Best Publication, 2003
- Exploring Low Tide in Northern California, Honorable Mention, Best Publication, 2003
- Land in Motion: California’s San Andreas Fault, Director’s Award for “best interpretive publication produced by any of the 65 NPS cooperating associations nationwide,” 2000
- Redwood Stacking Blocks, Winner, Children’s Media, 2000
- A Day at the Seaside: San Francisco’s Sutro Heights, Cliff House and Sutro Baths, 2000
- Walking and Exploring San Francisco’s Pacific Shore, 2000
Other Interpretive and Education Awards and Recognition
- We Hold the Rock exhibit and video documenting the Native American occupation of Alcatraz from 1969-71: Official selection at the 2001 Sundance Film Festival: feature film at the 1997 Native Americas International Film Festival; Bronze Apple Award from the National Educational Media Network, award from the National Park Cooperating Association, 1997
- Here’s the Dirt! Science Education at the Native Plant Nursery, Award from the National Association for Interpretation, 2001
- Alcatraz After Dark named the city’s best tour by San Francisco magazine, 2001
- Secrets of Alcatraz: Emmy Award, 1992
- Award for “On Duty at Fort Point” video
- Award for trailside exhibit at Muir Woods