Discover your creativity and improve your photography.
Photography Essentials explores all the fundamentals of photography for anyone with any camera. From DLSR to iPhone, this course will explore light, color, composition and the simple physics that compel us to a photograph. No experience or understanding of the mechanics of photography is necessary as this class will cover all the basics plus tips an tricks used by professionals. Breaking the rules and busting the myths, the class will help you capture images you can treasure. We will also cover what to do to enhance your photos after you take them using the built in apps most everyoe has already.
Note: This meeting space is at Crissy Field Center (1199 East Beach) and parking is free.
Please note: Park Academy classes are meant as a special perk for volunteers, members, and employees. If you do not work for the Golden Gate National Parks, are not a member, or have not volunteered with us in the past year, a donation is encouraged. Volunteer or become a member today!