Golden Gate National Parks Winter Workday
Join us to show our parks a little post-shutdown TLC!

Since we were unable to host our community of volunteers on MLK Day of Service, we are calling for a do-over! Now that we're back in business, we've got a lot of work to do to get our Golden Gate National Parks back in tip-top shape–both backlogged projects, as well as new repair and restoration projects.
We also want to extend a heartfelt thank you to all our volunteers, members, and community of friends who supported the parks during the partial federal shutdown. It certainly highlighted just how vital our volunteers are to our parks. We missed you and are excited to get back out in the parks and roll up our sleeves with you!
We have a number of projects lined up throughout the parks – multiple locations, varied times, and something for just about everyone. Please check out the project details below and signup today! More projects will be added soon, so be sure to check back often.
San Mateo
Rancho Corral de Tierra: Habitat Restoration
Help restore grassland habitat for the endangered Hickman’s potentilla by planting native grasses and flowering plants.
Time: 10 am–1 pm
Age requirement: Family-friendly, ages 8 and up are welcome. Adult chaperones required for youth under the age of 15.
Register here >>
San Francisco
Lands End: Habitat Restoration and Trail Stewardship
Come learn about habitat restoration and fence building at Lands End. Projects include planting, weeding, and building natural resource fencing.
Time: 10 am–1 pm
Age requirement: Family-friendly, ages 8 and up are welcome. Adult chaperones required for youth under the age of 15.
Register here >>
Fort Funston Nursery: Plant and Nursery Care
Join us at the nursery to do plant care and nursery maintenance activities.
Time: 9:30 am–12:30 pm
Age requirement: Family-friendly, ages 8 and up are welcome. Adult chaperones required for youth under the age of 15.
Register here >>
Presidio Nursery: Plant and Nursery Care
Join us at the nursery to do plant care and nursery maintenance activities.
Time: 1–4 pm
Age requirement: Family-friendly, ages 8 and up are welcome. Adult chaperones required for youth under the age of 15.
Register here >>
Age, Skills, What to Bring:
Age requirement varies by project. Read our Youth Policy Guidelines (PDF) for youth under the age of 15.
Bring your completed Volunteer Agreement Form (PDF). Volunteers under the age of 18 must have the parent/guardian approval section signed.
Wear clothes that can get dirty. Long pants and closed-toe shoes are required. Bring layers for changing weather and rain gear if necessary.
Bring a personal water bottle and sunscreen.
No experience necessary. Training and tools will be provided. Fulfills community service requirements.
If your are unable to make this event we have programs throughout the week, where we would welcome your good spirit and helping hands. Visit our Weekly Programs page for more information.
The Golden Gate National Parks Volunteer Program is a cooperative parkwide effort of the Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy, the National Park Service, and the Presidio Trust.