All About Fascinating Foothill Yellow-legged Frogs
If you enjoy exploring nature in Marin, you’ll want to know all about this special species of frogs that need our help!

Join us on May 27, 4:00-5:00 pm for a One Tam member webinar all about the fascinating foothill yellow-legged frogs, with Suzanne Whelan, Ecologist and Watershed Volunteer Coordinator at Marin Water.
If you enjoy exploring nature in Marin, you’ll want to know all about this special species of frogs that need our help. In Marin County, Foothill Yellow-legged Frogs are a species of special concern. They are found in isolated ranges in California and nowhere else in the world. They also tell us important things about the health of the streams where they live. Suzanne Whelan will share her knowledge in this fun and educational session that will teach you how to identify these amphibians. We will talk about the biology of the species, the importance of wildlife conservation, and how you can become involved as a volunteer as a steward for these frogs.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
As a precursor (or follow-up) to the talk, we recommend a hike to Little Carson Falls, a spectacular outing filled with botanically interesting wildflowers and wonderful views. Visitors can reduce their impact to the sensitive frogs and their habitat by staying out of the water so as not to harm the egg masses and tadpoles.