Please join MMWD, Marin County Parks, and One Tam for our annual Bald Hill Broom Bust!
Volunteers will focus on containing the spread of French and Scotch broom monocultures and also eradicate pioneer patches.
Volunteers can meet at Deer Park and hike, bike or carpool to the site. Group leaders will depart Deer Park at 8:45am. Or just meet the group at the site! Visit our Google Map for more information and directions.
o 8:45am – Hike, Bike or Carpool with group from Deer Park
o 9:15am – Volunteer sign-in, breakfast snacks
o 9:30am – Safety briefing
o 9:30 to 12:00pm – Habitat Restoration
o 12:00pm to 1:00pm – Lunch provided!
RSVP encouraged but not required by emailing volunteerprogram@marinwater.org. This is a family friendly event!