Group hiking on Mount Tamalpais
Paul Myers/Parks Conservancy
Thank you for being a member! One of the benefits we are thrilled to offer you is a full schedule of park events. Check below for dates, descriptions, and more details. We hope that the park experiences listed here will allow you to make full use of your national parks for a breath of fresh air.
If you are not a member already, our memberships start at $35 and include invitations to events, 15% off at the park store, and much more. Join Today!
Self-Guided Hikes:
Tue, Oct 08 4:00pm-6:00pm
Battery Townsley
Join us for a walk around Fort Cronhkite and visit Battery Townsley to learn more about the rich history within the Marin Headlands.
Sun, Oct 27 5:00pm-7:00pm
Lincoln Park Golf Course
Wander through present-day Lincoln Park and listen to historian and retired park ranger John Martini recount the history of the former San Francisco City Cemetery.
Mon, Nov 04 1:00pm-3:00pm
Rock Spring Trailhead (intersection of Pantoll Rd & Ridgecrest Blvd)
Join us for a walk at Rock Spring with Danny Franco about their forest health work and projects.
Wed, Nov 06 3:00pm-5:00pm
Lands End Lookout Visitor Center
Join historian John Martini on a two-hour walk and learn the history of San Francisco’s famous Cliff House and the ruins of Sutro Baths.
Wed, Nov 13 5:00pm-6:30pm
Join our webinar to learn more the history of Black Point and it's neighbor, Aquatic Park.