I'm a Peregrine Falcon!

Hawk/Raptor Personality Quiz Results

Peregrine Falcon

A "peregrination" is a journey or trip, and you are well-traveled and slightly world-weary. Cosmopolitan and sophisticated, you have seen it all—and you think you know it all. But you must guard against thinking you have nothing else to learn; fight your stubbornness and maintain an open mind.

Fun Fact: The showy and popular peregrine is the subject of many online nest-cams—and for good reason. It's the fastest creature on Earth, plummeting at 200 mph as it hurtles toward its prey. And it's the poster-child for conservation success, as policy change and awareness saved it from extinction due to DDT poisoning.

Want to learn more about—and possibly see—your raptorial doppelganger? Check out Golden Gate Raptor Observatory Hawk Talk programs on Hawk Hill Marin Headlands on most Saturdays and Sundays in September and October, from noon–2 pm (check online calendar).

GGRO docents will explain our volunteer-driven Hawk Watch, banding, and tracking programs. They'll cover the basics of raptor biology and identification, and then release a recently banded hawk to the sky! No RSVP necessary; learn more here.

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