Park Youth Collaborative
A growing coalition whose mission is to broaden the reach and enhance the capacity of youth-serving organizations working within the Golden Gate National Recreation Area to better impact youth.

The Park Youth Collaborative (PYC) is engaging educators to create quality, accessible park experiences for youth throughout the Bay Area. Conceived through the partnership of the Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy, National Park Service and Presidio Trust, the PYC is connecting park-based organizations invested in youth development and education, developing shared resources that raise youth programs to new levels of scale and impact. To see a full list of PYC Partners, click here.
Our Vision for Youth
Park experiences improve the lives of young people, and the voices and efforts of young people improve the park. The vision of the PYC is that youth throughout the Bay Area — especially those from communities historically underrepresented in national parks — have increased access to the Golden Gate National Recreation Area (GGNRA) so they can benefit from the park’s wide range of youth leadership and educational opportunities. Through PYC's work, we envision a future where diverse youth can find a sense of belonging and connection with the parks, hold a greater sense of self-value, and use their park experiences to accomplish their personal and professional goals in life.
OUR Work with Providers
To reach the vision for youth stated above, PYC's work focuses on building support for the GGNRA's community of educators. In doing so, the PYC is prioritizng projects that remove barriers for young people from historically-underserved communities, improve program relevancy and quality, and elevate youth voice and influence across the park. These priorities have led the PYC to adopt the following project values throughout its community of practice: