Nature in your Neighborhood is a 2-day workshop utilizing “Finding Urban Nature: An Educators’ Guide to Exploring San Francisco Natural History”. Join us and explore the Presidio of San Francisco, Glen Canyon, and Heron’s Head parks. Participants leave with site-specific, natural, and cultural history content and activities to use with middle and high school age students to help create relevant and powerful outdoor experiences that meet science and history standards.
Where Urban Areas Meet Nature
For those that cannot make the workshop, we have the guide used in the workshop available for download. It is written for adults who have an interest in natural history—and who are also educators. It will help you locate and learn about parks and natural areas near your schools, as well as provide enough background information so that you will feel comfortable exploring these areas with your students.
Locate course materials in downloads sidebar but note that “Finding Urban Nature” is a large file (~22 MB) that includes photos and graphics and may take several minutes to download. A PDF reader is required.