Habitat Restoration

Habitat Restoration in Tennessee Valley
Tennessee Valley Native Plant Nursery
Help restore and protect critical natural areas from the Marin Headlands to Bolinas Ridge.
Habitat Restoration in Tennessee Valley
Stinson Beach Parking Lot
Help restore and protect critical natural areas from the Marin Headlands to Bolinas Ridge.
Park Stewardship Intern and Volunteer
Milagra Ridge Gate
Help protect endangered species and restore sensitive habitat while enjoying a day in the park.
Park Stewardship Intern and Volunteer
Mori Bluff Trailhead
Help protect endangered species and restore sensitive habitat while enjoying a day in the park.
Rancho Corral de Tierra
Help protect endangered species and restore sensitive habitat while enjoying a day in the park.
Rancho Corral de Tierra
Help protect endangered species and restore sensitive habitat while enjoying a day in the park.
Mori Point Gate
Help protect endangered species and restore sensitive habitat while enjoying a day in the park.
A bobcat sits in a field of tall grasses with yellow flowers
Milagra Ridge is considered a habitat island because it’s surrounded by development on all sides. A wildlife corridor could help provide species inhabiting Milagra Ridge with a safe way to connect and migrate to other parts of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area (GGNRA), as well as other open spaces...
A person holds a snake with a bright teal underside, red and black stripes, and red head
The endangered San Francisco garter snake is considered the most beautiful snake in North America. Found only in San Mateo County, the snake depends on habitat within our parks.
Mori Point Gate
Help protect endangered species and restore sensitive habitat while enjoying a day in the park.