Lands End Lookout Visitor Center
Join us and Park Historian John Martini as we explore Sutro Heights and Sutro Baths.
Presidio Visitor Center
Join us for a special insider’s view of the Presidio Tunnel Tops project, which will create 14 acres of new parkland on top of the Presidio Parkway (Doyle Drive) tunnels.
Fort Point
Join us at Fort Point for a tour of Fort Point, led by park historian John Martini, to learn about the "fort that never fired a shot in anger".
Muir Beach Overlook
Walk in the long shadows and hear the bird songs as the sunsets at Muir Beach. Explore what Muir Beach has to offer in the evening as you learn about the coho salmon restoration work happening at Redwood Creek.
Hawk Hill
Explore Hawk Hill with Golden Gate Raptor Observatory Director Allen Fish on this short hike during peak raptor migration season.
Presidio Visitor Center
Join us for a special insider’s view of the Presidio Tunnel Tops project, which will create 14 acres of new parkland on top of the Presidio Parkway (Doyle Drive) tunnels.
Mill Valley’s Bothin Marsh will likely see ten inches of sea level rise in the next ten years. As a part of our “Evolving Shorelines” series of outings, join project and conservation team leaders for a stroll along Mill Valley’s Bothin Marsh, and learn about the project being launched to...
Presidio Visitor Center
Join us for a special insider’s view of the Presidio Tunnel Tops project, which will create 14 acres of new parkland on top of the Presidio Parkway (Doyle Drive) tunnels.
Fort Funston Trailhead
Join park historian John Martini on an exploration of Fort Funston and the remains of many of these fortifications lie buried beneath the city’s last large expanse of natural dunes.
Presidio Visitor Center
Enjoy a sneak-peek of the future Field Station and Outpost, future play and discovery spaces for youth and families that are part of an expanded youth campus being built at the Presidio Tunnel Tops.