Muir Woods Visitor Center
Stroll through an old-growth redwood forest at sunrise, hear tall tales, soar in the sounds and smells, and hear the historical and ecological story of Muir Woods.
Muir Woods Visitor Center
Stroll through an old-growth redwood forest at sunrise, hear tall tales, soar in the sounds and smells, and hear the historical and ecological story of Muir Woods.
Muir Woods Historic Redwoods
Muir Woods Visitor Center
Stroll through an old-growth redwood forest at sunrise, hear tall tales, soar in the sounds and smells, and hear the historical and ecological story of Muir Woods.
Muir Woods Visitor Center
Stroll through an old-growth redwood forest at sunrise, hear tall tales, soar in the sounds and smells, and hear the historical and ecological story of Muir Woods.
Muir Woods Visitor Center
Stroll through an old-growth redwood forest at sunrise, hear tall tales, soar in the sounds and smells, and hear the historical and ecological story of Muir Woods.
Sunny day at Point Bonita Lighthouse
Lighthouse Trailhead
Discover how Point Bonita provided safe passage through the treacherous Golden Gate and experience the last manned lighthouse on the Pacific Coast.
Barred owl in Muir Woods National Monument
Muir Woods Visitor Center
Join docent Steffen on a strenuous five-mile dusk hike in search of owls struggling for supremacy in the old growth forest. Reservations required.
Muir Woods Visitor Center
Stroll through an old-growth redwood forest at sunrise, hear tall tales, soar in the sounds and smells, and hear the historical and ecological story of Muir Woods.
Visitors at the Nike Missile Site
Battery Townsley
This restored Cold War anti-aircraft missile site has intriguing stories to tell.
Visitors at the Nike Missile Site
Sat, Mar 01 12:00pm-3:00pm
Sat, Apr 05 12:00pm-3:00pm
Sat, May 03 12:00pm-3:00pm
Sat, Jun 07 12:00pm-3:00pm
Sat, Jul 05 12:00pm-3:00pm
Sat, Aug 02 12:00pm-3:00pm
Sat, Sep 06 12:00pm-3:00pm
Sat, Oct 04 12:00pm-3:00pm
Sat, Nov 01 12:00pm-3:00pm
NIKE Missile Site SF-88
Veterans of the Nike program come to the site to share their stories with visitors and give guided tours of SF88 between the hours of 12pm - 3pm.