Press Coverage
ABC 7 reports from Muir Woods National Monument on the Centennial festivities. The segment captures the sights and sounds of a memorable celebration honoring William Kent's gift and the timeless redwood giants.
Recognizing Muir Woods' Centennial Year, the Chronicle takes an in-depth look at the national monument's past, present, and future, with special emphasis on the ecological complexities and challenges in the Redwood Creek watershed.
Perched on a small plateau off the main Coastal Trail, the labyrinth in San Francisco's Lands End is an inviting outdoor creation: a simple strolling circuit with unmatched views of the Marin Headlands and Golden Gate Bridge.
The Golden Gate Raptor Observatory, a Parks Conservancy program, helps in the recovery of two red-tailed hawks contaminated from the Cosco Busan oil spill in November.
An international model for environmental education, Crissy Field Center brings outdoors experiences and ecological awareness to underserved youth. Through innovative Parks Conservancy programs, young people overcome "nature deficit disorder" by reconnecting with the environment.
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