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Press Releases

Healthy Parks Healthy People
November 2, 2010
Environmentalist, educator, co-founder and author Bill McKibben will be at Fort Baker in the Golden Gate National Parks on Sunday, November 7, 2010, to discuss “Food for the Parks,” the latest environmental initiative of the Institute at the Golden Gate.
Warming Hut
September 1, 2010
Why worry about the impact on the environment if you can’t do something substantial for your loved ones—and the planet—this year?
Park Perscription day at Crissy Fields Center
August 27, 2010
The Institute at the Golden Gate takes its message to “connect, collaborate, inspire and act” to the national stage next week as a cross-sector coalition of physicians, environmentalists, park managers, health insurers, government officials and youth leaders gather in Chicago to advance the growing Park Prescriptions movement.
Redwood Creek at Muir Beach
June 29, 2010
The Redwood Creek Restoration Project at Muir Beach will continue this summer and fall, making the creek a functional, self-sustaining ecosystem once again by realigning the creek; restoring wetlands, an intermittent tidal lagoon, and dunes; and also creating and maintaining habitat for sustainable populations of the endangered coho salmon and threatened steelhead trout.
Crissy Field Center
June 1, 2010
The Crissy Field Center hosted its 10th annual Community Heroes Award ceremony on Thursday, May 27th, 2010.

Press Coverage

alcatraz gardens
The San Francsican

“We’ve made every effort to be sustainable,” says Shelagh Fritz, Program Manager of Alcatraz Gardens. Scraps and cuttings are collected for compost, never hauled away. Over on the other side of the island, near the rose garden, she proudly shows me Alcatraz’s award-winning compost, lifting up a tarp to reveal a shoulder-high collection of steaming organic matter, complete with plump, writhing worms.

An artistically crafted bench at Presidio Tunnel Tops sits before the Golden Gate Bridge and Marin Headlands in the background.
Travel + Leisure

San Francisco's urban national park unit recently gained 14 acres with the opening of the Presidio Tunnel Tops, a green space designed by James Corner Field Operations, the lead firm for New York City’s High Line, which incorporated input from more than 10,000 residents with the help of the Parks Conservancy.

NPS Park Ranger gives a presentation to visitors at the Presidio Campfire Circle
San Francisco Chronicle

Two dozen parks have opened in San Francisco since 2020, including what The Chronicle calls "the spectacular Presidio Tunnel Tops," a triumph of imagination and generosity of Bay Area donors. Tunnel Tops cost $118 million — $98 million of which was raised by the Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy.

Hawk Hill
Nature's Archive

Allen Fish, Director of the Golden Gate Raptor Observatory--a long-term, community-science program of the Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy, in cooperation with the National Park Service--tells us all about their hawk count and banding operation, as well as some of the fascinating projects and partners that connect to this community science effort.

A commemorative plaque at the Tunnel Tops Campfire Circle honors the donors who made the park possible.
National Geographic

For an inspiring, all-ages journey, gather around a campfire with Golden Gate views at Presidio Tunnel Tops in San Francisco.