
This interactive public discussion with One Tam partners will be a great opportunity to learn about what's happening on Mount Tamalpais and One Tam's work plan for the upcoming year!
How did the fear of Russia save Sweeney Ridge? Find out as you hike with one of the most knowledgeable guides in town, Nike missile veteran David Bridgman.
Come join us at West Peak, the true summit of Mt. Tam, on Earth Day, Saturday, April 22, 2:30-5pm for an epic sing-along that will be the climax in a new video directed by local filmmaker Gary Yost to help support the launch of the effort to restore the site of the old Air Force Station. We'll be singing the chorus of the song "The Way It's Supposed to Be" written expressly for the restoration effort by Dore Coller of Mill Valley.
Join us in maintaining White Hill Trail. We‰ЫЄll remove invasive French broom to clear the trail corridor and increase safety by improving lines of sight.
What are wildlife corridors? And why are they important? Join MCL's Business-Environment Breakfast to learn more as a panel of speakers dive into the regional and local implications of this topic.
Join Ranger Amy Kaplan for a writing workshop at Muir Woods that explores the relationship between place and you and you and place.
We will be planting native plants in order to help stabilize the banks of the creek. Woody debris structures have recently been installed in the creek at the sites where we will plant, which provide shelter to juvenile salmonids including coho salmon, Chinook salmon and steelhead trout.
Muir Woods Visitor Center
Stroll through an old-growth redwood forest at sunrise, hear tall tales, soar in the sounds and smells, and hear the historical and ecological story of Muir Woods.
Sunny day at Point Bonita Lighthouse
Lighthouse Trailhead
Discover how Point Bonita provided safe passage through the treacherous Golden Gate and experience the last manned lighthouse on the Pacific Coast.
Much of what we think we know about space comes from film and television, but Hollywood‰ЫЄs job is more often to entertain than to educate. In this presentation, we will sort fact from fiction, taking a tour through the worlds of Star Trek, Star Wars, and much more.