
The publications of the Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy

Two people examining a branch at a BioBlitz event.

Park E-ventures

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Gateways Magazine

Our member magazine includes stunning photography from your favorite park sites, in-depth stories of people in parks, news on park projects and community science opportunities, and much more! 

Alcatraz Island
At daybreak on Indigenous People’s Day 2019, in commemoration of 50th anniversary of the 1969 Occupation of Alcatraz, the Bay Area indigenous community hosted the first-ever canoe trip around the island. Starting from the Aquatic Park Historic District, the flotilla of canoes were powered by communities and families from across...
Redwood trees at Muir Woods
Some national park sites within the Golden Gate National Recreation Area were closed due to PG&E’s Public Safety Power Shutoff. Check this article for updates.
A person scales a rock wall outdoors overlooking a forest.
Two San Francisco Park Steward smile
Get to know our new San Francisco Park Stewardship interns
Two San Francisco Park Steward smile
Interns reflect on a year in the parks.
Volunteers in rain gear celebrate their hard work on the Coastal Trail.
What kinds of shenanigans have the trail crew enjoyed with our volunteers the past 4 months?
A volunteer holds a bucket and debris grabbing tool on a trail.
What is National Public Lands Day? How long has it been around, and how can I help? Find answers to these questions and more.
Fallen trees and branches become habitat for fish and frogs in Redwood Creek.
After over 10 years of restoration work, Redwood Creek has started to evolve and take a life of its own. The creek channel has begun to twist and turn and find its own path along the valley floor of Muir Beach.
Female coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) in Redwood Creek.
Gateways Article
As part of the multi-year Redwood Renewal at Muir Woods, the NPS and its partners are helping undo the damage of the past and restore habitat for the federally endangered coho salmon.
Gray clouds over chapparel on Sweeney Ridge in San Mateo County
Gateways Article
Perched above Pacifica, the windswept hillsides of this Golden Gate National Parks site give vista-hungry visitors a wide range of views around every corner while providing sensitive habitat for threatened and endangered species. For more tips, go to
National Park Service Ranger Todd Hisaichi at Muir Woods National Monument.
Gateways Article
To get his dream job, Todd Hisaichi had to make a choice most people don’t have to make: He had to give up his original citizenship.
Horse Mounted Patrol out in the parks.
Park E-Ventures Article
The Horse Mounted Patrol is the only program in the GGNRA that allows volunteers to ride National Park-owned horses. The 43-year-old program is unique in that it’s run entirely by volunteers—some of whom have served for close to three decades.