
The publications of the Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy

Two people examining a branch at a BioBlitz event.

Park E-ventures

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Gateways Magazine

Our member magazine includes stunning photography from your favorite park sites, in-depth stories of people in parks, news on park projects and community science opportunities, and much more! 

Marquis Engle is the program director at Up on Top, an after-school and summer program in San Francisco's Tenderloin neighborhood.
Park E-Ventures Article
The story of how a partnership with the Up on Top after-school and summer program has inspired ‘love and beauty’ in its enigmatic program director, Marquis Engle.
Park E-Ventures Article
From hermaphroditic slugs to big cats on the prowl, discover the wild mating rituals of animals in the Golden Gate National Parks. This Valentine’s Day, delight your date with these bizarre factoids.
Visitors enjoy a picnic at the Marin Headlands.
Visitors are encouraged to do their part to help preserve our unique parklands, by leaving no trace and taking public transportation when possible.
New fencing at the Presidio Bluffs helps protect visitors and sensitive habitats.
Last month, the stewardship crew worked in the Presidio Bluffs along some of the many scenic viewpoints of the Pacific Ocean and the Golden Gate Bridge. The windy days didn’t stop our great turnout of volunteers!
A fruit bat in Mauritius.
With all the stigma surrounding them, it’s important to understand all sides to the story. Bats play a major role in the balance of an ecosystem, in California and around the world.
An Anna's hummingbird.
Take a minute to read a poem about a beautiful bird we see throughout our San Mateo park sites.
Volunteers at MLK Day of Service in 2018.
The Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy staff, interns, and volunteers look forward to participating in this day of service every year.
Lion’s Mane (Hericium erinaceus) spotted on Mt. Tamalpais.
Come take a moment to lift up a log or peer closely at a fallen branch and you might be surprised at what you find. But what is that spongy-looking thing? And is that orange moss growing on that tree? Don’t worry, the Parks Conservancy has you covered in this...
Mary Lee at the 2018 Winter BioBlitz at Ocean Beach.
This new feature will take the time to thank and highlight some of our regular volunteers who have enriched our parks and our lives.
Visitors to the Warming Hut at Crissy Field are seen in a file photo.
Despite a lapse in federal appropriations (also called “government shutdown”) that began on Saturday, December 22, many park sites and visitor facilities in the Golden Gate National Parks remain open.
Park E-Ventures Article
The parks are fiercely visual, making it easy for photographers—both amateur and professional—to snap some truly awe-inspiring, jaw-dropping images. Out of thousands of photos taken this year in the Golden Gate National Parks, here are the 18 favorite photos from our staff photographers.
Parks Conservancy staff during a service day in the Marin Headlands in 2018.
Park E-Ventures Article
Pathways through the Golden Gate National Parks don’t always mean trails. For many staff members at the Parks Conservancy, the National Park Service (NPS), and the Presidio Trust, their paths to full-time employment started during internships or youth programs offered in our parks.