Park Stories

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Visitors examine information about incarceration on red and black panels at Alcatraz.
Alcatraz Island is full of doors that lead to the past, and right now there are several unique and new experiences on the island to check out.
Adventure Guides sit at a park bench, stamping Presidio Adventure Passports.
Create your own adventure in the parks with the help of the Leo Helzel Adventure Guides. Launching at the opening of Presidio Tunnel Tops in spring 2022. These youth leaders will be based at the Field Station and Outpost within the new 14 acres of public green space, serving as...
Ranger Rebecca Au poses with a butterfly drawing in a flower field.
Park E-Ventures Article
In 2016, Park Ranger Rebecca Au, a former art teacher with a Master’s degree in museum education, drove from Massachusetts to California. She estimates she visited around 10 national parks along the way, including Badlands, Grand Tetons, and Bryce Canyon. It was the NPS centennial, and the grand fanfare around...
A California giant salamander spotted on Mount Tamalpais
The best time to find a California giant salamander is around dawn and dusk during rainy season, as they traverse the wet landscape. Dr. Lisette Arellano compares recent iNaturalist observations of this species to historical data from museums and databases.
Olema Valley and Phleger Estate
Unimpeded views of Tomales Bay fill your view beyond the ridgeline of Olema Valley . Forty-five miles southeast, Phleger Estate is engulfed by towering redwoods. More than 30 other park sites, with varied landscapes and ecosystems, are sandwiched between these two locations. Olema Valley and Phleger Estate are the most...
Lt. Col. Lewis Spencer Kirkpatrick standing in front of unfinished Golden Gate Bridge in 1935.
Gateways Article
It’s a long way from Oklahoma City to Marin County, but connections with our parklands can be deep and wide.
Child plays in the waves with Golden Gate Bridge in background.
A photo exhibit offers a glimpse into the lives of the people behind the camera and the subjects in the images. It also communicates something from the people who selected and displayed the photos. For the upcoming My Park Moment   photo show , eight local high schoolers helped select...
NPS Ranger Erick Cortes stands in front of the Golden Gate Bridge at Fort Point Historic Site.
Park E-Ventures Article
NPS Ranger Erick Cortes wants to expand the narrative around what is historical at Fort Point National Historic Site and he wants you to come visit and learn.
Mission blue butterfly seen landing on yellow flower.
Wow, 40! It's eye-popping to think of all we've accomplished together since the Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy was formed on Aug. 11, 1981. We wanted to look back at some of the people, park sites, and memorable moments that have made the biggest impact on the Parks Conservancy and...
Mount Tamalpais
Mt. Tam is recognized by many as the birthplace of modern mountain biking and has become a cycling epicenter.
Orange, black and white monarch butterfly seen landing on purple milkweed flowers.
You can almost hear the resounding cry from the East Bay to San Mateo County to Marin: Let's help the monarchs! From our own backyards to the undulating landscape around Mt. Tamalpais, Parks Conservancy staff, partners, and our parks community are marshaling resources to study and help monarch butterflies.
Image of ticket from Golden Gate Bridge opening day in 1937.
Park E-Ventures Article
We want to wish a happy birthday to our newest Parks Conservancy member, Dorothy "Dotty" Gardner! Dotty turned 106 on July 19, and to celebrate, her family purchased a Parks Conservancy membership for her. Dotty has a special association with the parks and our great park connector, the Golden Gate Bridge.